Canadian Gardening | December 2011 10 awesome gifts for any novice gardener By Daniela Payne If your novice gardener friend is starting off with a vegetable garden, arm them with some knowledge. “The best advice on the topic comes from
What does the Chicago Tribune think of Incredible Edibles?
Herbal adventure, Experiment with new varieties, new tastes “To keep people interested in growing things you have to have a novelty factor,” says Sonia Day, Toronto Star gardening columnist and author of “Incredible Edibles: 43 Fun Things to Grow in
Super Chef Blogs about Incredible Edibles
Don’t worry — spring will come. Collect those seed and flower catalogues, and plan your garden — with the help of Sonia Day‘s Incredible Edibles: 43 Fun Things to Grow in the City (Firefly 2011). Whether you have a fire